Our Services

Insurance Savings and Organization, Made Easy

claritylifeins is a web-based insurance education, price comparison, and ongoing policy maintenance service for Americans in, or nearing, retirement. Our team has carefully engineered every aspect of the insurance consumer experience to provide the most comfortable, convenient, and clear pathway to truly understanding your options, identifying the most competitively priced plans in the marketplace, streamlining your application and approval process, and providing an unprecedented level of policy organization, management, and customer service after your plan is in place.

If You Are In Any of The Following Scenarios, We Make Your Life Easy

  • Already know the type of policy you need and would like to easily identify the best price in the marketplace, read policyholder reviews and company profiles, scan for discounts, and facilitate your online approval and application
  • Still need to learn about your options and would like clear information and insight into policy types, suitability, pricing factors, health approval processes, and cost saving tips
  • Would like a full individual consultation on strategy, suitability and marketplace pricing : from a non-commissioned personal counselor
  • Have health issues or have been denied in the past; our proprietary technology allows us to utilize your best health characteristics to scan through thousands of health factors from the relevant insurance company approval guidelines to find you the policy you will be approved for

claritylifeins will guide you step-by-step with our clear and user-friendly collection of resources, partnerships, and expert counselors to help you organize and optimize your insurance life.